James Berry


I’ve spent the past three decades pursuing excellence in competitive golf and high performance.  It's my mission to deliver high quality products and information to aspiring individuals looking to unlock their full potential on the course, and in life. 

It wasn't always easy.


My journey as a coach has been colored by moments of victory, where I've celebrated the joy of witnessing students transform their swings and scores. Yet, it's equally in the moments of challenge and defeat that I've unearthed profound insights. These moments, where golfers grappled with self-doubt or mental barriers, taught me that genuine growth often emerges from adversity.

This diverse range of experiences has equipped me with a unique perspective that goes beyond the technical aspects of golf. It enables me to connect with students on a deeper level, empathize with their struggles, and provide guidance that extends beyond instruction. My coaching isn't just about enhancing skills; it's about fostering personal growth.

When you choose me as your high-performance golf coach, you're not merely gaining access to a coach with accomplishments; you're enlisting a coach who has navigated the intricate landscape of golf, and life, ready to share the wisdom drawn from every facet of this journey. Together, we'll leverage the power of experience to elevate your game to new heights.

A brief history..

  • Owner JBM Performance Coaching
  • MS, Applied Exercise Science & Sports Performance Training
  • BS, Exercise Science & Health Promotion
  • Author of "The College Golfer" book
  • Creator of "The College Golfer - Peak Performance Academy"
  • Master Coach - Flowcode Golf Academy
  • Clean Health (Biolayne) Nutrition Certification Level 1 & 2
  • Former Head Golf Coach, New Mexico Junior College (7 years)
  • Professional Golfer, NCAA Academic All-American